Friday, June 27, 2008

the sisters

Sisters of St. Mary's
Originally uploaded by Bridgman Pottery
These ladies seem to be watching over me. When I made this as a gift for our former priest, I never dreamed I'd see it again or that anything would happen because of it. I was thrilled when it was included in a local exhibit of icons, even more excited when there was a class offered on icon-writing with the exhibit. This week, these ladies and that exhibit started to make things happen.

I got an email from a female priest on Monday, telling me that she'd seen the exhibit and my rendition of the Sisters of St. Mary's that morning. She is organizing a festive conference in September and wants to use the image for the poster. I'm not sure if the poster will be for sale, but I know that it will go up at each episcopal church in the diocese. We spoke on the phone for quite a long time, looked at my flickr images together, and both got even more excited about the sisters.

An bit later, I got another email requesting a similar icon for St. Mary's school, where the sisters taught. I got back in touch with Tobias Haller, BSG, who is a gracious man and is as excited about the spread of the "cult of the Martyrs of Memphis" as we were. By Tuesday, I had orders for two large icons to go to the school and to St. Mary's convent, in Sewanee, TN (it was originally a convent for the Episcopal nuns and is now a conference and retreat center). The line drawing/tracing I used for my glass icon may be on the program for the event, and I'm working on a stencil to make smaller, simplified copies of this image.

I am astounded at how quickly this all seemed to fall into place, and grateful. Grateful to Br. Haller for his generosity in using this image, grateful to our friend for allowing this icon to be exhibited, grateful to these two priests who were moved by the icon, and grateful to the Sisters for their selfless sacrifice and inspiration.

And I am one busy girl, because this all needs to be done by the first of September! I'm still working on these, too, and plan to have a batch finished by the end of next week. Keeping my hands in clay these days, grateful for the work. Happy weekend, everyone.

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