Thursday, March 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by Bridgman Pottery
Fiddleheads are my favorite natural motif. I love the uncoiling form, fronds waiting to spring out. I had an idea that although my ferns were not yet up, a friend who has a mature fern bed might have some fiddleheads poking up. She did indeed. I brought home a handful (after getting permission, of course!) to work with. Platters, saucers, bowls, mugs- I'll use every last one of these glorious gems.

Our weather has been beautiful- sunny, warm, breezy. The April showers are coming, knocking down the spent cherry blossoms, but dogwoods and redbuds are taking their places. There are a few last late narcissus blooming, yellow kerria branching out, and I think that the azaleas are beginning to bud up. Oh, spring.


Mama Urchin said...

I can't believe how much further into Spring you are than us. Our narcissus haven't even started blooming yet.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it doesn't seem like you are THAT much farther south, but you sure are ahead of us with the spring! Right now we have daffodils and forsythia. My magnolia is getting some ideas -- just in time for it to snow this weekend...