Monday, July 7, 2008

just when you're ready to say STOP

I've been having a bit of a hard time lately. Last week I got some medical news I'd hoped I wouldn't get. Nothing drastic or dreadful, but the sort that makes you realize that you'll be meeting your insurance deductible much sooner than you'd thought. And pottery is NOT going well. Because I need to meet that deductible, I tried to fire last night. This is the first oops. This is a platter for a dear friend that literally crumbled in my hands. And a half-dozen botanical dessert plates that went with it. They're on top of the first platter for said friend that broke in firing. Eerily reminiscent of that last thing that made me want to quit pottery. But I persevered and fired the smaller-than-I'd-hoped load.

As I'm unloading this morning, I'm finding that the early morning trimming and too-dry pieces are indeed cracked. I had to pitch 3 in the mosaic pile, and a 4th lost its handle as I was waxing the foot. Better to lose it in my hand than a customers, but. . . .

Despite the losses, I decided to get down to business. I was feeling really really sorry for myself. Poor Melissa. Stuff breaks. She has to work to earn money. Oh, life is so hard. Then the dogs and I hear a car in the drive. The car leaves. A 30 second stop. We go in to the front door to find a bag of homemade oatmeal-chocolate-butterscotch cookies hanging from the storm door.

So I'm not all alone, and I'm reminded of my gratitude lenten observance and am grateful that I have work to do, orders to fill, friends and family who love me, and the insight to pull my head out of that dark place, get my work done, and take my child to the children's museum to enjoy his summer. Thanks for the chance to reflect, and thanks for the cookies, unseen friend.


April said...

Oh dear, I've had similar days before. I hope it gets better soon! I'll be thinking lots of good thoughts for you!

Shannah said...

Lots of good wishes your way.
Thank you for sharing...
reminds me to be thankful today too!

Mama Urchin said...

Sorry for the bad day. I hope the cookies are a sign of good things to come.

Blue Yonder said...

Oh honey! I'm sorry.
I'm wishing lots of new blessings to add to your list :-)

farmerjulie said...

hang in there kiddo. I have had my days of broken things too and wonder why i am even doing potter. it can be so frustrating, but so rewarding. hope you feel better soon. lovley words of gratitude that you wrote.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the breakage -- no fun. But what a great thing to have orders to fill (in my book). And cookies, too!

erica said...

Thank goodness for those moments of gratitude that bring us back to balance! As someone looking forward to those berry bowls, I hope those cookies have helped you find some joy rather than frustration in your craft.

mayaluna said...

I love how you shared this bumpy day with such honesty. How wonderful to have a cookie fairy during such a relentlessly rough time! I'll be be sending you great thoughts for tomorrow...a fresh new day.

thistledowns wool & cotton said...

so it's 3:55 am tuesday. today will be a better day, yes?
oh dear, so sorry for your trouble yesterday. i think it's that pressure thing. need to get it done - have to finish. two felted pieces of mine: yuk! not working. BUT, i saw the echoes collaborative and slowed down.
lucky you getting cookies. and i hope the museum was fun!
have a better day today friend. i'll be thinking of you :)

Anonymous said...

oh dear! but i'm so glad to know that you've got friends who drop off cookies at moments like those. hope today is looking up.

bridgmanpottery said...

It is almost Friday, and I have to tell you all that your kind responses have been one of the highlights of my week. Thanks, friends!