Thursday, September 17, 2009

egg cups

egg cups
Originally uploaded by Bridgman Pottery
I was noodling around this morning (um, I still am) and saw the cutest idea for using egg cups is you aren't going to actually eat eggs from them. Go over to Design Sponge and see. I think I'll get some succulents to put in some of these for my next day at the farmers market (oct 24) and my pre-holiday home sale.

I finished trimming my not-rosenthal pottery. I'm pretty happy with the clean lines. We'll see how it looks in color. That new green, maybe?

It has been raining every day since last Friday here. I'm a tiny bit sick of it, except that it has sprouted all of my fall veggie seeds I planted. That makes me happy. But lordy, I'd love to see a little sunshine. Especially since I need to do some glazing. Super-saturated humid air means that wet glaze doesn't like to stick or dry so well. In due time.

I'm working on slab work today- giving my arms a break from throwing for a bit longer. More icons, plates, platters. I like to listen to podcasts while I'm working. I'm a big fan of the How Stuff Works series of podcasts, and, of course, This American Life. Any new podcast suggestions out there?


Mama Urchin said...

I've seen them with little succulents too and they are just darling. Hmm, I might need an egg cup in the blue egg glaze for just that :)

Anonymous said...

The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has an enormous library of podcasts on their site. Especially good (and awesomely hilarious) is "The Vinyl Cafe" with Stuart McLean. He is an author and story teller who travels all over the country and holds performances where he tells stories from his books. This link should work:

You could also listen to "Q" or "As it Happens", which are about the arts and current events (national & international), respectively:

I hope those links work and you can download them. Have fun!

Danielle in PEI

(just thought I'd add that as I am sitting at home with a nasty cold, I find your "capcha" befitting: bewinflu)