Monday, January 5, 2009

monday workday, a year later

monday workday
Originally uploaded by Bridgman Pottery
I used this picture about this time last year. I'm using it again because while we've found the missing camera, its case and data cord thing are not with it, possibly left somewhere, and the day is dark and cold and drear, and today's pile of papers is much uglier than this idyllic "working" scene.

Today was the first day back to school- we're easing back into the routine. I go to "work" tomorrow, but today I chose to tackle my sales tax form. I spent the morning with my 2008 receipt book, a calculator, pages of reports from etsy and paypal, and plenty of coffee. I had good intentions of organizing everything quarterly but stopped after the second quarter of 2008. I dreaded this task, but happily, it's all done.

This was my best year for pottery since I began keeping records in 2001. I am so grateful to you all for buying my wares. Now I 'm more than half-way through my income tax organizing, and my check for the Tennessee Department of Revenue is signed and sealed in its envelope, ready to go to Nashville.

I also got my calendar (both the wall version and my new happy moleskine pocket calendar) updated with birthdays, working days, and holidays for 2009, and in the very few minutes I have left before school pickup, I have a large mess of papers to clear off the dining room table.

It's cold today- 32 and raining intermittently. I'm thinking about making a steamy curried coconut/shrimp noodle soup for supper. I made dough for a king cake this morning and need to bake it (tomorrow is epiphany!) soon.

Maybe I'll learn how to upload photos without a cord this week. . . .


Mama Urchin said...

Katie keeps asking me when it will be three kings day. We don't generally celebrate it with cake but since she is interested this year maybe we will.

Rouxhauser said...

What would it take to convince you to send me a piece of king cake? Yum.

April said...

Love your picture. It looks so relaxing, sigh.