Friday, June 15, 2012


This morning I spent some time outside in the golden light with my coffee, watching my birds (big and little chickens and tiny songbirds) and bees in the back yard, wondering at the sprouting seeds and life what exactly it is that I'm supposed to be doing.  And I came inside and began drawing on plates and cups- bees and chickens- exactly what I'd been watching outside.  I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.

Twice this year I've gotten really nice notes from friends thanking me for what I'm doing- honesty in my process and struggles with figuring out my work and keeping on with it.  I feel like I've done a huge amount of growth in the first half of this year because I have struggled mightily.  I have a professional friend who is working like gangbusters, producing and producing and really cranking it out.  And I remember a few years ago when I was doing that and I marvel at it now, because really, that's not sustainable for me.  I think that I'm finally coming to the point where I'm ok with the lull in my professional journey.  I still feel bad that I haven't restocked my stores or filled some individual orders because of my trials with the clay and glaze and kilns (really, I feel really bad about it, but not bad enough to keep beating my head against the brick wall that's presented itself squarely in my path).   So I'm working on throwing better, drawing every day, still experimenting on finding that right clay and glaze fit, and realizing tactile leaps forward will come with time, and progress isn't necessarily measured by your output.

Speaking of journeys, I want to thank all of you who helped me with this project.  My friend Angela is coming through early next week on her way to her medical relocation to New Mexico.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me help her.  This project has been immensely satisfying to me, and I'm so grateful that my work could provide so much financial assistance.  I am still making these cups and hope that their sale will continue to provide some small measure of assistance as Angela and Devin start fresh in NM.

It is Friday and I am going to a specialty nursery later this morning to buy succulents to fill my growing klompen wall outside my back door.  I hope you have something fun planned, too.

As always, thanks for reading and being on this journey with me.


Sarah Jackson said...

I think you are such an inspiration with your thoughtful creative process and honest discussion of real production issues. It's so easy to forget how much hard work goes into creating something by hand - whether it's pottery or a quilt or a sweater - and how much failure we encounter along the way to the success that we show off in the end.

You're an inspiration in about a million other ways too, but I'll stick with that one for today. Love you, friend.

amy h said...

Yes, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Your work really seems very much "you" to me. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support you've lent me as I'm learning all this stuff, too. Keep on keeping on!

TootieFlootie said...

Your lifestyle encourages me to remember what is important in life. My life goal is simply this: happiness. Joy can be attained by keeping in touch with nature, working with our plot of land, and with the talents we have been given. It is so hard to be an artist, no matter your field. It is both frustrating and rewarding, but so worth the while. You are indeed inspiring, and frankly, this thirty-something thinks what you do is quite cool. :-) Carry on!

beki said...

Thank YOU for sharing your journey. You are a true inspiration all the way around :)