Monday, March 12, 2012

with a little luck

and some antibiotics I'll be back to rights in another day or two, pulling out of this flu turns into sinus and ear infection funk.  It's warm, it's spring break.  Kids are running in and out of my house and the house across the street.  I want fresh food, sunshine, fresh breezes coming through the windows, a ticking kiln, paletas, and to feel like myself again. 

I found these 8 four leaf clovers in my neighbor's yard.  Right now they're in a vase but I hope to put them on some happy mugs.  For now, though, they're just reminding me that luck is all around.


amanda {the habit of being} said...

love this. i'm making a note to get out in my yard and search for some luck after all this rain passes.

hope you are feeling 100% soon!

thistledowns wool & cotton said...

kick that funk! love that warm breezes are on the way. it's time :)

rae dunn. said...

S W E E T !

amy h said...

Do you have an intention for the mugs? I have a story about the four-leaf clovers (I'll e-mail you later), and I'd like to buy one for someone dear.

I hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon.

Mama Urchin said...

You are so great at finding four leaf clovers, and luck too. I hope you are on the mend.

Quietly Otaku said...

tHope your feeling better soon!

I've never actually seen four leaf clover in real life, a little luck never goes a miss!