Wednesday, February 24, 2010

day fifty four

fifty four
Originally uploaded by Bridgman Pottery
of 2010. I'm taking a photo every day. Some days I rush to get my camera as the sun's last rays leave the house. Some days I take so many. I like this project; it helps me to see more of what's around me.

Thank you for your kind, kind comments. This winter has been hard. I am very ready for spring and renewal. Your kindness makes me feel supported. Thank you.

I've been working like a little bee up in the studio this week- on a commission project for a late spring wedding- the work will be imprinted with this my favorite fern- commonly called a Japanese Climbing Fern. I had to drive around to hunt some down yesterday as mine was cut down by the freezes. I found some that was dried- I can still use it since the leaves aren't all curled. I have a large bag of big ferns in my refrigerator, pressed between paper towels and stored in the crisper drawer, for use, but the bride wanted this lovely tendril-y vining fern.

Today I threw almost twenty pieces and trimmed another 6 in two hours. In the morning I'll trim what I threw today. Most of today's pieces are destined to be berry bowls. I'd hoped to have some ready to list by the first of March, but I'm having a little surgery on Friday (it is very minor, no big health scare, just something that I've needed to take care of for a while and am finally doing) and won't be up to firing for another week or so after that. Maybe after St. Pat's. But I will definitely have berry bowls and the hope pieces by April 1.


laeroport said...

I am enjoying my 365 project too. Between it and my color + color project I really open my eyes - and always have the camera at the ready.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

Jessica said...

Yes, this winter has been hard for me, too. It seems extra long, but spring is coming! I do love the challenge of a 365 project.