Tuesday, October 23, 2012


719 Dickinson St, Memphis TN 38107
Nov 2 (5:30-9), Nov 3 (10-5:30)

Bridgman Pottery and Sweaterlove (recycled/upcycled wool accessories for you and your home)

Friday, October 19, 2012


Good morning.  This is what I'm tackling today.  Lots of last-minute glazing for the Whitton Farms Fall Festival (details here and here), and for my studio sale the first weekend in November.  I think I'm not sending out postcards this year, but email me if you're local and need my address.

Fall is beautiful and my bees are hurry-scurrying to get it all done.  They're bringing in the last of the season's nectar and their pollen baskets are loaded down.  I'm working just like the bees- firing 2-3 times a week- in both kilns.  Ally is working on my handbuilding projects- she makes all of the little trays and saucers for me to draw and print on.  I haven't done any outside shows in years, so I don't know if I'm making too much or too little to cover the slate I've signed up for.  I guess we'll see.

Have a lovely weekend.  Our son's godfather has just returned from 10 months in Afghanistan and we're anticipating seeing him again soon- potentially this weekend.  We're overjoyed.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

good morning

it really is fall, y'all!  I've been working really hard on getting my work ready for my slate of fall sales.  I am so grateful that I found an assistant (with the help of several friends- networking is just the best way to fill needs, isn't it?) to help me with my production.  She's been busy rolling slabs and setting up molds for my platters and trays and helping me glaze.  Still, I wish there were three of each of us to crank the work out.

I am really excited to tell you about my dear friend Debi, who will be showing with me in November at my Studio Sale.  She makes the most darling pins and accessories out of upcycled wool sweaters that she rescues from thrift stores, felts, deconstructs, and refashions.  I am SO excited that Sweaterlove will be showing with me.  She'll also be at the Whitton Farms event on October 21.  I really have a hard time not buying every new thing she makes.  This red mum usually lives on my winter coat- it is the exact same shade of red and I feel like a floral little red riding hood when I wear it.

Today I'm buying pumpkins and pansies, making these and some tortilla soup, starting our first fire of the season, and doing a little ornament glazing.  Hope you have a lovely weekend.